Oh man, I just remembered that I will have to reinstall Windows 2000 on my primary workstation. You know you have to when the copy/paste function suddenly stops working for no reason with no errors and then later on starts working again. I have had it installed for a long time. At least for someone like me which usually reinstalls about every quarter. This means I need to make sure everything is backed up first which should not be a problem since things are backed up nightly. It is just the huge hassle of doing a reinstall. Then at the last minute being lazy and not making an image of the system in pristine condition(quite possible). The only problem with the imaging is the fact that I have an almost pure SCSI system and I would have to dig up the necessary drivers and get it working before the image creation could take place. Normally I do not have time for this. I will have to find time soon though.
Aug 02