Hosting hosting everywhere…

Well, ‘’ is still hosted with ‘’ but it got moved to a newer server and some things upgraded. Instead of 750megs of storage I now get 2gig. Instead of 30gig of bandwidth I now get 50gig. I figure that is more than enough to keep me going. If all goes right and I am able to get all parties prepaired, then I might be moving ‘’ to Liquidweb with the same specs. Hopefully on a different server so in case the server ‘’ is on goes down then it won’t affect both domains. You know the ‘not all eggs in one basket’ idea. Although having them both hosted with Liquidweb could be construed as the eggs analogy but having redundancy only goes so far on personal domains. On a side note, the server ‘’ is on has 4 Processors and a Gig of RAM. I logged into my shell account on the server and took a peek.