Can you say dragged out…

If you have not been watching the news recently then you might not know about the Texas 11, well now 10. I am not going long into this because it is an irritating subject but all this waste of money and time would not have been necessary if the stupid senators that skipped the state, because they did not agree with something, should be punished in some major way. If I were to ever do that because of my job, when I came back I would no longer have a job. They kept saying that they are defending freedom while preventing our system from working. Ok, time to breathe…heh. If it would pass I would make a law so if they skipped town for more than a day then they would be fired and the next in line would take over. I really don’t see it as a Democrat or Republican issue. I see it as a job issue. I think I am through for the day. Later…