I don’t know about you but I plan to start using it asap to see how the whole version number handles. I almost never use Internet Explorer now except for the Windows Update.
Category: Software
Nov 08
kiosking around
One of the many things on my plate is trying to get a Linux-based kiosk working for where I work. I have to get it stable then lock it down but make it still useable. I plan to use Firefox as the browser as it works rather well in Windows and Linux. I wanted to …
Oct 04
Authentication methods…
A question was presented to me today regarding authentication methods for Windows 2000 servers(and *nix ones) across the Internet so only one login is necessary. While I think there are a few fielded answers, finding one to implement that is secure is not necessarily easy. RADIUS was proposed but Windows 2000 I am not sure …
Sep 27
She’s ALIVE…again
I finally got my Win2k Server running again. I got a storage repository again. w00t… I still have it sitting on the bench though making sure it works fine before I hold the heavy-assed thing in the air with one arm and screw it back into the rack(yes, the case is rack-mountable). Once this one …
Sep 23
Learning more and more…
Time has not been kind to me. I have to soon find time to get my Windows 2000 server going again and I plan to rebuild my Unix server that is running FreeBSD. I might wait until the 5.x series goes to stable if it has not already. It really depends on my mood of …
Nov 19
Kramer was revived and is working again. I do not, as of yet, have Active Directory enabled on it but it is working fine as a local file server again. Now, my main system can back itself up to somewhere again. I am working on a computer right now that I am thinking of calling …
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