An old friend named Assan posted this on Facebook and I found the logic to be sound and after getting his permission I shared it here. From Assan’s post: I am about to settle the “Is Die Hard a Christmas Movie?” argument ONCE AND FOR ALL! Are you ready? If I asked you to name …
Category: Personal
Jun 25
Not too sure
I am back and may try to update this blog with random stuff every so often. Maybe computer stuff I find neat. I don’t know yet but we will see.
Jul 27
Our second child has been born
It has been a while since I have updated the blog on here and I plan to make some changes in the future. Our second child was born on July 1st. We now have an infant and a 4 year old. It is a lot less scary than I thought it was going to be …
Jan 02
Happy New Year 2011
Another year came and went. Since we will be having a second youngin coming along this year it will be an eventful one. Not much else is happening at the moment. Just dorking around until work starts again. W00t!!
Jul 27
My Son Headbanging with his Mom to Iron Man
This was sent to my sister but is still good for general consumption.
Sep 23
Another birthday came and went
It’s all good though. I am now 31 and feeling ok. Nothing hurts yet so I am still young. 🙂
Sep 12
I want a motorcycle
I have been looking around and one model has sparked my interest due to its low cost and reliability(from what I have read). It is the Honda Rebel. I know, people may holler about a Harley Davidson but I tend to stay on the broke side. A motorcycle tends to have good gas mileage, which …
Aug 22
A job as it were
This past week I was offered a job, after the interview of course. It is a part time job but it is in the field I tend to work in so it will be fun. As I lost my job at the end of January, this has been a long time coming. I can’t wait …
Apr 19
My son is 2
Most people know by now but my son has turned two. Due partly to my lack of employment his party was a rather small gathering but my boy had a good time. That was the important thing. As part of his turning two we converted his crib bed to more of a big boy bed. …
Mar 10
Been a while
Looks like it has been a while since I last added to the blog. Not too much has happened since the previous post. My Son has been walking and talking for a little while and he is doing good on the training with the toilet. That in itself is a good thing. Back in January …
Jul 02
Serpentine belt blues or My Hell is Serpentine
Well, yesterday I had truck problems. For a while my A/C compressor has been having issues with the electronics so I unplugged a sensor so the clutch would disengage and go into free-spin since the compressor was stuck on the ON position. That worked for a while until yesterday. I was in the drive-thru of …
Apr 17
My Son is 1
It is hard to believe that my Son is one year old today. It actually does not seem like too long ago I was holding him on his first day out. He has learned a lot and so have I. Heck, in a few years he will be old enough to go get a job. …
Jan 22
Long time no see
It looks like it has been a while yet again since my last post. I am still doing great at Glacial Energy and keep finding more to tinker with. My son is doing well, it is nice to be a Father. When I am not working or trying to spend time with my family I …
Sep 10
A while it has been…
I know it has been way too long since I have graced the Interweb with my presence. A lot has been happening these past few months that my blog lay slient. I will start with my Son of course. He has been doing great, he is a very good natured baby so far. He smiles …
May 12
Being marked
Well, it’s official. This morning my son gave me his personal rinse. My wife, Nicki, was going to bathe him and so she got his diaper off and handed him to me so she could get the water going. I was holding him just fine and then he happen to cut loose on me. Thankfully …
Apr 17
The birth of our child
Well, my wife had our child on April 17th, 2007. In a C section way so she has to recover for a few days. He is 8 pounds 9 ounces and is 20″ long. His name is James Paul Smock. I am so happy to be a father. It truly is one of those kind …
Mar 01
Honeymoon pictures
As you may have known, I moved hosting late last year. I had everything backed up but not everything got restored. I finally got the Honeymoon pictures imported into our little gallery. Click here to go check them out. It will open a new window.
Mar 01
Getting closer
It is getting closer to the due date for that youngin of mine to come out. Of course he will come out when he is ready so it may happen sooner. He is of course due on or around April 27th. I am really looking forward to raising a child. I know it is not …
Dec 23
It’s a boy
Earlier this week we went for the latest batch of ultrasounds and the nurse that was doing it said that our child is a boy. Looks like I may need to purchase some cigars soon for the big day. Also, Merry Christmas. You know, this should be a good Christmas… Go here for the …