Apple Mac Mini

Most of my growing up years I was not a fan of Apple. It is widely known by friends and family of my thoughts about not just the company but the awkwardness of the OS. That was until OSX came along. I have found it to be mostly clean and not too bad of an Operating System which brings me to the title of this entry. A few months back I had the pleasure of test driving a couple of these units. I found that the Mini is worth the sticker price. In fact, I may one day soon get one of my own. w00t!! Below is the specs of what I want.
• 1.25GHz PowerPC G4
• 512MB DDR333 SDRAM – 1 DIMM
• 40GB Ultra ATA drive
• 4x SuperDrive (DVD±RW/CD-RW)
• Internal Bluetooth + AirPort Extreme Card
• 56K v.92 Modem
• Mac OS X – U.S. English
Those options jump it up to $748.00 but I would still find that worth it…


    • Your niece on 6/5/2005 at 6:39 pm

    umm… I don’t think that is a good idea… cause then I’d have to make fun of you by calling you Jacob APPLEseed or APPLE lover or something lol!!!

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