Setting up RAID 1

If I get time this weekend I plan to throw two 30gig drives in an older computer I have sitting around and use one of the Promise RAID cards for binding them together. I then plan to Install Windows 2000 Professional. It will be a backup server and backup workstation for my Dad to use. I have been meaning to get this done but time has not always been available to me.

Laugh and share a bit…

I had to laugh at this yesterday and decided to share it with you. Wednesday, 12 January 2005
Scary enough is that some people out there are that way. I know it would be tempting but I do not think I could wear a Superman shirt as my undershirt. My undershirts tend to be either alcohol related tees or just plain white.

Grandpa Smock…I miss him…

Oh yeah, when you get a chance check out the tribute site my father has been working on about his father. Some of his siblings have been submitting their own stories and I might put pen to the preverbal paper myself soon. Here is the link
Yes, there is a story behind the ‘Rip’ name. Maybe it will appear on the site one day. You never know.

Happy New Year

I know it is January 2nd when I am typing this but oh well. Anyway, be safe and remember this:
“The goal of all inanimate objects is to resist man and ultimately defeat him.”
– Russell Baker

Had fun I did at Christmas

I had fun this Christmas. On the 24th my wife and I first popped in at my Grandmother’s house and said hi. We then went to her father’s side of the family gathering and hung out there for a couple of hours. We then went to my parents and hung out there then went to Midnight Mass. Don’t ask what time it started…heh. We went home afterwards and went to sleep. The next day we went over to her parents house and did the gift exchange thing. It all was fun but wore me out.

Merry Christmas and all that rot…

I guess not more needs to be said but I wish you all a Merry Christmas. I hope you all have a good one.

Updating phpBB2

If anyone is in doubt or outright does not know, phpbb2 is a message board system. I had to update it on two sites today. One of them I used as a test since it is not being used yet. It is The other is used a lot so I did it second which is Even though it went smooth on the first domain I was kinda spooked about the second one because it stays kinda busy. I ended up putting up an index.html file to block any new visitors to the page and explained that it was being worked on and waited until everyone was out. I am glad it worked out. It is kind of irritating when security issues come up. I am just glad this was easy to update.

Stepside gets my teeth wiggling

Yes, the title made no sense. I figured I would step away from the cold and logic side of things and just cut loose, as it were. I am actually thinking of installing Windows 2k on a machine for my father for his server/backup computer. I was thinking of setting up RAID since I have enough hard drives and IDE RAID controllers sitting around. Well, I was actually also thinking of how much it would hurt if I licked a stove burner while it was at full. Of course that is just a passing thought and thankfully I have not lost all sense that is considered common. I am getting my computer room cleaned up more and more as the weeks go by. I can see the floor and it has carpet. w00t! All kidding aside, the room is starting to shape up and I think I will even have a table with room to do computer work on without having to move stuff around. I think I am getting tired of typing but I will say this, I like the interface on WordPress much better than Movable Type. Most things just work without having to do much at all. Time to go. lates…

Changing looks…

I was reading something from Rodolfo’s blog about changing the look so it does not have that ‘default’ feel to it. I plan to do the same thing but am suffering from some of the same problems when it comes to css. I think I am getting the hang of it slowly but time and interests don’t always meet when it comes to css styles. Gotta go…

Firewire it was called, and it was good…

I recently got a 3.5″ hard drive enclosure that has both Firewire and USB 2.0 connections on it. I did not want to use the usb side of things for a perm. solution so I went ahead and got a Firewire card. One thing I can say is that it may not be hooked directly to the IDE chain but it works damn well. I am pretty much sold on Firewire. I think all external enclosures that I purchase will have both types from now on. I know, it took me long enough but it is fun in any case. I like this enclosure because if I decide to put a 250gig HD into it the unit will take it. It currently is housing a 80gig drive which is plenty for now. It is acting as my tertiary data drive. I have 4 drives hooked to my computer. I have the main SCSI 9.1gig acting as the system drive. A second 9.1gig acting as an application drive. The third which is housed in a 5.25″ removable drive rack which is a 40gig acting as my games drive. I then have the Firewire drive for graphics and other misc. stuff I want. I plan to redo a bit of it but for now this works fine. Yes, if you have not figured out by now, I ramble a lot. Later…

Another change…

I moved to WordPress to see how I like it. All my old posts have been imported so it’s all good.

Comments abound

I re-enabled the comments but put them on a moderator status so I have to approve of them. Anyway, I plan to change the look of the blog soon so it will be more of my liking.

Christmas it will be soon

It seems like yesterday Thanksgiving was happening and now it is coming up to Christmas. It is a fun time of year and I am glad to be with the one’s I love. We plan to visit my parents and do the Christmas type thing first with them. Then we will make it over to Nicki’s parents and hang out over there for a bit. It will be a fun couple of days. Lates…


I had to remove the comment ability for now because it keeps getting spammed. Anyway, more about it later…


I have been so busy lately that sleep has not been one of those things that a lot of is permitted. I think this weekend I will be sleeping some. Also, all of our Christmas shopping is finished and wrapped so we are set. It will be a good Christmas I believe. Later…

Went to the movies

I went to the movies with my wife on Wednesday to see ‘National Treasure’. We actually walked away liking the movie. I would watch it again if it came up. As I am not one that is good at reviewing but I would recommend that you see it if you have some free time. When it comes to DVD I plan to purchase it.

Thanksgiving it came to be

Well, this year I will be spending Thanksgiving with the inlaws. I do not plan to do much more than eat and rest, then eat some more. Lates

Tired of spam related crap

You know, it really irritates me when I come to make an entry and find that I have gotten spam comments. I really do not like having to delete them. It seems to be happening once a week or so. Anyway, lates…

KLOL went to KRAP

I got upset when I was listening to a sister station on the AM dial “Talk Radio 950 KPRC” and the guy on there said that across the hall is where 101 is and now he has to hear music he does not understand. I switched over and found out the horrible truth. Ozzy, Metallica, Megadeth and a lot of others were always played on that station and now we got spanish rap crap. The website address is and the old look is gone. Oh well, since no other station was like it was content wise I will have to break out my CD’s and rip them to mp3s so I can play them in my truck.

Firefox is 1.0

I don’t know about you but I plan to start using it asap to see how the whole version number handles. I almost never use Internet Explorer now except for the Windows Update.